It began back in the mid '80s. I would sit in the living-room and watch as my father would run adventures for his friends. I was enthralled with a world that, at the time, I knew very little about. I watched as my father played Dungeons and Dragons!
As I grew older I started learning more about the game until I eventually started my first ever campaign in 2001. The campaign grew from 4 adventures in a party to two parties of 6. My world had grown to an extent that I never imagined, the campaign lasting for almost 3 years before we had to go our separate ways (no, not like the amazing song by Journey).
Now we are in 2018 and I am beginning a new campaign on a continent named Karhnuhl with 6 new adventurers. A campaign I hope will continue for a very long time.
I have decided to start this blog for many reasons. I would like to share my experiences and knowledge of D&D as I DM, for the first time, 5th Edition. Also, people have asked me about some of the things I do to make my campaigns more fun for my players.
Let us, together, delve into the depths of D&D 5E and see what fun we can have. Be on the look out for my first actual blog entry coming soon. It is my intent to post at least one entry every 2 weeks. I hope you enjoy.